After a chaotic release of Padmavat, Bollywood director Sanjay Leela Bhansali finds himself yet again in the middle of a controversy, this time surrounding his upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi, which traces the journey of a madam residing in a brothel in Kamathipura by the same name.
Strength. Power. Fear!
One look, a thousand emotions. Presenting the first look of #GangubaiKathiawadi. In cinemas 11 September 2020.@aliaa08 #SanjayLeelaBhansali @prerna982 @jayantilalgada @PenMovies— BhansaliProductions (@bhansali_produc) January 15, 2020
Gangubai’s son Babuji Rawji Shah registered a case against the filmmaker, alongside Alia Bhatt, who is playing the lead in the Bhansali Productions. This is the duo’s first collaboration together.
According to the Hindustan Times, Babuji also filed a case against writer Hussain Zaidi, on whose novel the film The Mafia Queens of Mumbai is based. Not only this but reporter Jane Borges, whose research became the premise of the book, was also in similar trouble.
Allegedly, he feels that certain portions of the story are defamatory and an infringement upon his right to privacy, self-respect and liberty. He sought permanent cessation of printing and circulation of the book, deletion of chapters pertaining to Gangubai’s life and a halt to the production of the film.
Gangubai Kathiawadi was scheduled to hit the theatres in September, but has been delayed due to the pandemic. The film was expected to release sometime next year. No release date has been announced yet.
Source : Dawn
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