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sukhasana 08 4 1


8 Yoga Poses to Boost your Immunity, Flexibility, and Mood

Yoga en sánscrito significa “unidad”, ser uno con tu espíritu, mente y cuerpo. Por eso la antigua práctica del yoga, que ha existido durante miles de años, abarca no sólo actividades físicas, posturas estáticas y ejercicios de respiración para mantener nuestros cuerpos sanos, sino también una serie de prácticas espirituales como la meditación y la atención. Pero si no tienes tiempo para un estudio profundo del yoga, no te desesperes. Puedes empezar en casa con algunas asanas fáciles y ver cómo funcionan para ti. Estas son 8 poses de yoga para aumentar tu inmunidad, flexibilidad y estado de ánimo.

Tadasana (Postura de Montaña)

Esta puede parecer una postura muy simple, pero una vez que la domines, alineando todas las partes de tu cuerpo en una línea recta, descubrirás que de alguna manera se siente antinatural. Eso sucede porque la mayoría de las veces nos encorvamos, nos sentamos en posiciones extrañas y carecemos de flexibilidad debido al trabajo sedentario y a la falta de movimiento. Esta es la postura básica para cualquier asanas que hagas después e inmediatamente te mostrará si tienes algún problema con tu columna vertebral.

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Vrksasana (Pose de Árbol)

Si a menudo sientes que tu mente está desequilibrada y tiendes a cuestionarlo todo, entonces Vrksasana o Pose de Árbol debería convertirse en una de tus favoritas. Es posible que experimentes algunas dificultades cuando empieces, pero a medida que practiques más y más, acumularás la sensación de estabilidad y tu equilibrio mejorará mucho en todos los aspectos de la vida. También fortalece tu columna vertebral y mejora la postura.

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Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Matsyasana is one of the most rejuvenating poses that strengthens your core, improves the flexibility of the spine, while boosting your immunity. It greatly increases energy levels and helps reduce stress. Open your chest and lungs, releasing any blocked emotions you may have there. Fish pose is a great immunity booster that will greatly improve your mood if done on a regular basis.

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Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

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The Virabhadrasana is one of the best poses when it comes to improving your flexibility. Named after a Veerabhadra warrior from Hindu mythology, it also creates a sense of power, while enhancing concentration and focus. Helps stretch back, chest, stomach, lungs, and greatly improves overall endurance. It also strengthens your joints and helps you to be more stable, both on your feet and inside your mind.

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Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Dhanurasana is a great pose to try when you are feeling depressed, tense, or have some pent-up emotions. This asana opens your chest and heart, allowing you to breathe deeply and easily, bending your entire body in a beautiful arc. This pose relieves stress and psychological pressure, sending a signal to your mind that it is okay to relax and that there is no need to shut down. It also helps to stimulate the digestive organs.

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Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana is one of the easiest and most beneficial yoga poses that even a beginner can do. It’s perfect for calming your mind and reducing stress while feeling safe and secure. This asana mimics that you are inside the womb, so staying in this pose for a long time can bring great peace to your mind. Besides its calming effect, Balasana also stretches your abdomen and helps eliminate toxins, which is very important for your immunity.

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Viparita Karani (Legs on the Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani is the number one pose when it comes to relaxing both mind and body. It takes almost no effort to get your feet up the wall, and then you just enjoy the incredible effect it has on you. It’s a great pose to improve blood circulation and will greatly stimulate your lymphatic system, which circulates from your feet to your head. It helps to eliminate toxins, greatly improves your immunity and calms your nervous system.

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Sukhasana (Seated Pose)

The simple act of sitting and breathing (or doing pranayama in yoga terms) can be extremely beneficial for the health of the mind, body, and soul. Once you are done with your main asanas, simply sit in the Sukhasana pose and do a series of breathing exercises or simply relax completely and breathe normally. Focus on your breathing and feel your whole mind and body relax as you do this. This will calm your nerves, reduce stress, and improve attention. Just stay present in the moment and enjoy the feeling of just being alive.

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Source : Herbeauty

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