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7 Easy Habits to Elevate Your Life and Propel Your Success
7 Easy Habits to Elevate Your Life and Propel Your Success


7 Easy Habits to Elevate Your Life and Propel Your Success

Adopt these proven practices to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Creating a fulfilling and meaningful life comes down to your daily habits.

The actions you take on a daily basis decide who you become. Are your current habits leading you to the best version of yourself? Or are they taking you down a different path?

Here are 7 easy habits that will help you reach your highest potential.

1. Delaying gratification

Your dopamine system is constantly being bombarded.

This leads to you being unable to stay focused on anything.

If you want to get ahead, you need to do things that have no immediate reward.

2. Limiting alcohol

Alcohol has no positive impact on your life.

It also leads to many other bad habits.

Go out and enjoy your life, but keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.

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  • Plan 2 allocated weekly drinks.
  • This is non-negotiable — don’t change your mind when you’re offered a beer at a work function.

3. Meditation

Meditation is a powerful habit.

It’s important to take care of your mind just like you take care of your body.

Taking even a few minutes each day to sit in stillness will have a huge impact on your:

If you want to get ahead, meditate daily.

4. Lifting weights

No matter your age, gender, or goals, you should be doing some form of resistance training.

You need to load your muscles on a regular basis.

This will keep your body healthy and functional for a long time to come.

You’ll also improve your appearance.

Lift weights 3–5x each week.

5. Eating a high-protein diet

Protein is crucial, no matter what your goals are.

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It is the building block of our bodies, and it helps with:

  • Muscle gain
  • Weight loss
  • Strength

Aim to eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight each day.

6. Walking

You need to walk more.

While 10,000 steps is an arbitrary number, it has merit.

We need to be walking way more than we currently are if we want to live a healthy life.

Aiming for 10,000 steps per day is a good place to start.

7. Read

We can learn from anyone in the world, living or not.

We can learn from those who have already achieved what we want to achieve. We can learn from others’ successes and mistakes.

Being a perpetual student is key to moving forward.

If you’re not constantly learning, how will you grow?

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Make reading a priority in your day.

To get ahead of 97% of people:

  • Delay gratification
  • Limit alcohol
  • Meditate
  • Lift weights
  • Eat protein
  • Walk more
  • Read

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